North America
Whiteout conditions in the high Arctic with temperatures reaching -20 degrees to the shadeless desert mountains of Mexico hitting 120 degrees, North America offers diversity like no other continent. The United States, Canada, and Mexico all offer unique and different opportunities for the willing sportsman to experience and test their skills, marksmanship, and endurance. Some are successful in punching a tag while others return home with a memory and experience that has changed their life forever. Whether you are an experienced traveling sportsman or are just looking for something different, North America is sure to offer something that meets your needs.
Listed below are hunts available through Outdoor Adventure Specialists. Many hunts can be customized further by specific seasons, tags, areas, and combinations. If any of these adventures peek your interest, take the time to fill out the contact questionnaire. I will personally return your email, provide more detailed information, and answer any questions you may have. Enjoy what North America has to offer.

Rocky Mountain Elk
The Rocky Mountain Elk is considered by many as the "Icon of the West". The aspen covered mountains, the fresh mountain air, and the unique sound of a bugle in the distance, makes the hunt for a Rocky Mountain Elk very special. These large antlered members of the deer family live in the low lush valleys and high up in the dark timbered mountains of the west. Each state and season offers a different experience that will leave yearning for more.
The largest member of the deer species stands at over six feet at the shoulder and sports an impressive set of antlers. The wide spread, large pointed paddles, and large mass of the antlers only adds to the allure of this beautiful animal. The Alaska Yukon Moose is the largest of the family and spreads can reach over 70” wide. Moose typically live in swampy areas such as tundra swamps of Newfoundland or willowed valleys and slopes of Alaska. As you walk up to your trophy Moose you be amazed and in awe of the sheer size of the animals and quickly realize your need for a bigger freezer.
Pronghorn Antelope
A completely unique species, the Pronghorn Antelope is a beautiful representation of the western plains. Their golden sand colored coat with mixes of black and white markings are what many hunters are after. They sport a unique compressed hair horn that sheds and grows larger every season. The prairie habitat calls for long distance scouting and long stalks which makes hunting antelope so much fun. Typically you will see many prairie goats during your trip and can hunt for the trophy of your liking.
There are over 40 non-native species that thrive here in North America and offer a great hunting adventure for the sportsman. Whether you are not able to travel outside the country or your budget does not allow it, these hunts will allow you to take home a beautiful trophy for your game room without leaving U.S. soil. Not all exotic species are found on game ranches. Species such as Oryx, Aoudad, and Axis Deer can be hunted free range. Contact O.A.S. with any questions or requests.
Whitetail Deer
The most widely hunted animal in North America lives in a wide range of very diversified habitats. From small urban woodlots, to CRP grass fields, to picturesque river bottoms, to mountain foothills, to totally wilderness environments they can be found. The Whitetail Deer's ability to adapt to a wide variety of environments makes them available for many to hunt all across the United States. The crop fields and woodlots of the Midwest, the cactus deserts of the South, the swamps of the Southeast, and the big timber of the North all offer a unique experience to chase the elusive Whitetail Deer.
Mule Deer
The open terrain of the West provides the opportunity to spot and stalk the dark faced fork antlered Mule Deer. The experience of stalking up on a bedded buck or cutting off a cruising buck in the next drainage or the feeling of failure watching these deer prance off into the distance will leave you with memories of all the ups and downs of hunting Mule Deer. O.A.S. offers a wide array of mule deer hunts from the wide open Canada prairies to the Sonora desert.
Blacktail Deer
The dark faced cousins of western Mule Deer are typically hunted closer to coastal terrain. The coastal regions of California, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska are common places to find these beautiful deer. They commonly have a unique smaller version of a typical mule deer antlers but offer some amazing hunting opportunities. Columbia blacktail are hunted in all three west coast states and coastal southwestern B.C. Sitka blacktail are primarily hunted in coastal regions of Alaska and also some areas of northwestern B.C.

Coues Deer
The "Grey Ghost" of the desert is a challenging animal to hunt. This small desert deer seems to be able to vanish into thin air while working its way across a distant ridge filled with thick cactus brush. Even though these deer weigh in around 100 lbs and sport a tight framed set of antlers, the adventure is in the challenge of terrain and laying your eyes on a good buck in his own domain. These animals elude mountain lions, puma, and human predators daily which makes them an extremely spooky quarry.

Black Bear
Next to the Whitetail Deer, the Black Bear is widely hunted across the United States and Canada. Whether by spot and stalk, baited stands, or treed by hounds, the Black Bear offers an enjoyable hunting opportunity for the sportsman, in addition to a fine trophy for his den. Black Bear aren't always black, they can be found in colors ranging from chocolate brown to blonde, with variations of cinnamon in between. Black Bears are a great Spring time hunt, but are also hunted each Fall.

Grizzly/Brown Bear
There is something about hunting a carnivorous animal with giant dagger filled paws that separates the experience from anything else on the planet. Grizzly and Brown bears are differentiated by an imaginary line running along the coast of Alaska and British Columbia. Brown Bears are also known as “coastal grizzlies” and typically live on a high protein fish diet. This is one of the reasons that Brown Bears grow to a larger frame and skull size. Grizzly Bears are hunted north and east of the imaginary line and usually live on a berry and venison diet. Often grizzlies have to travel longer distances to find food than their coastal cousins. Both species offer an incredible and unforgettable hunting experience.

Mountain Lion/Cougar
The stealthy cats that creep through the mountains stalking their prey can be considered the ultimate predator of the west. With a set of brave and over anxious hounds and a fresh lion track on the ground, you can watch and listen to the dogs work the track and eventually put the big predator up a tree. Keeping up with the hounds can be an extremely difficult aspect of the hunt especially when hunting in steep thick snow covered valleys. Once you are at the tree and you decide this lion is the trophy you wish to wrap your tag on, you must concentrate and make a difficult steep angled shot. This hunt will be exciting, hectic, and memorable.

The American Bison is truly the icon of the West. From the early Indians hunting for food, to the slaughter of thousands for their hides, to the ongoing conservation efforts of this legendary animal, the American Bison is a large part of our American history. You can now hunt these free ranging monarchs throughout the West and Canada. If you are wanting to step back in time to recapture a hunt from the true old west, hunting for meat, a trophy mount, or to complete your Super10 or SuperSlam, this experience will not disappoint.
The Arctic is something every hunter should experience during their lifetime. Taking in the endless white views to dealing with the frigid temperatures, the hunt for Muskox is more about the adventure. Once the Muskox are spotted the "hunt" is somewhat melodramatic, but the experience you gain during the trip is priceless. The unique wool coats show how these prehistoric mammals have lasted the test of time. The wool coats, hard bossed hooking horns, and taking in the Inuit culture while hunting on top of the world are the true trophies of this hunt. This hunt should be on every adventure hunters bucket list.

The wide open vastness of the tundra and its ability to hide caribou creates a mysterious draw to hunters. Caribou offer a unique antler configuration with front shovels, bez points, and palmated tops which creates a typically high scoring set of antlers. Caribou are also a migrating species by nature and some hunters are lucky enough to witness this awe inspiring spectacle. From the mountaintops of the Northwest Territories to the tundra swamps of Newfoundland, these Caribou will offer a rewarding hunting experience for the hunters willing to tough out the conditions.

Mountain Goat
The beautiful white coats of the Mountain Goat draw hunters from around the world up into the clouds. These animals live in the most dangerous steep terrain that is typically at the top of the mountain peaks. Hunting them in rainy, slippery, snowy terrain only adds to the adventure. Observing these goats walk across sheer mountain faces appearing worry free, only adds to the respect hunters have for these majestic animals. The physical effort one must exert on a Mountain Goat hunt tells you why you seldom see more than ONE Mountain Goat mounted in most North American hunter’s trophy rooms. Special gear, physical training, as well as mental preparation will be needed for this hunt. O.A.S. will assist you along your Mountain Goat journey.

The mountain Sheep of North America are considered the holy grail of game animals. These magnificent animals hold such prestige because of the terrain and remoteness in which they live and the exclusivity of their hunts. The Dall and Stone Sheep are considered to be thin horn sheep while the Rocky Mountain and Desert Bighorn are obviously their massive cousins. If you are planning on trying to draw a license or purchase a sheep tag, OAS will assist you with the best avenue. Sheep hunting is the true pinnacle of North America big game hunting. Become a part of the exclusive sheep hunters club where all its members understand leg burn, misery, and overwhelming accomplishment.

Wild Turkey
The sound of an echoing gobble breaks the still silence on a cool spring morning and brings excitement to a hunters' heart. These unique and beautiful birds offer an incredible interactive hunting experience where calling the birds into range is the name of the game. Once a hunter announces his presence by answering with a (seductive) hen call, the hunter now becomes the hunted. Because of this interaction, each bird's personality creates a unique hunting experience. Hunting the different sub-species of turkeys is a great way to hunt the unique regions of the country on a relatively low budget.

The American Alligator is a prehistoric animal that lurks in the water of many southern states. With mature gators reaching 13 feet in length and having razor filled jaws built for tearing meat, these reptiles demand respect. Hunting these creatures in their waters creates an exhilarating challenge that takes concentration and precision. If you are looking for a trophy gator, a new pair of gator skin boots, or just a redneck good time, this is an adventure that should be on your bucket list.

Wild Hogs
In recent years the Wild Hog has exploded in population across the United States. These tusked beasts are found predominantly in the southern states and are grossly over populated. Don’t let their population numbers fool you into thinking this is a slam dunk species to kill as they rely heavily on their noses and nocturnal nature for survival. Even though prices have risen significantly over the past few years, this hunt remains to be one of the least expensive big game hunts available.

Scanning the flat water looking for movement under the moonlight sky is just the beginning of the fun bowfishing offers. The non-stop action, the enjoyable time with friends and family, and the anticipation that comes with not knowing what could swim out at any moment makes bowfishing a truly enjoyable adventure. Whether you are a diehard bowfisherman or just someone looking to enjoy something different, bowfishing can be the perfect inexpensive offseason alternative you have been looking for. Give it a try... you won't be disappointed.